About Me

My photo
Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.


Hope contained in one small photo
©cih18, 16.11.18


When you're not there
I look down at my hand
and the silver band
that shows you care
©cih18, 15.11.18


Fresh from the glory of winning
Brain aching from the struggle of thinking
©cih18, 14.11.18

Oxford Street, November

We look up
in childlike awe
at the Christmas lights
now corporate and paid for
©cih18, 23:03, 13.11.18

Don't panic

The calm before the storm of Christmas
Panic buying
Presents, gifts
Trying to keep control of purse strings
Who do you love
and what to give?
©cih18, 12.11.18

11 o'clock

Looking up
in the moment's silence
The patch of sky
©cih18, 11.11.18


I identify too much with my mobile
and we're both permanently low on energy
©cih18, 10.11.18


Hearing your footsteps
You walk to and fro
Someone important?
You've nowhere to go
©cih18, 09.11.18

Travel Light

On the tube
Two backpacks
is a bad idea
Unless you have
Two backs
to wear them
©cih18, 08.11.18


Trying to regain clarity
Brain dulled by stale office air
Numbed by forced group hilarity
©cih, 07.11.18


around her book
Her world
is full of dreams
so huge
that one small girl
in one large world
cannot contain
her thoughts unfurled
©cih18, 06.11.18

Instagram searching

I don't scan Instagram
in search of the perfect skin
taunt myself with beautiful bodies
look at clothes I won't be seen dead in
My reason for haunting this site
Is easy to comprehend
I'm looking for a cute dog
A prime example of man's best friend
©cih18, 05.11.18

Shopping mall (iii)

Young mothers shove buggies
Mobiles clutched to their faces
Their toddler faces bear traces
of food and fears long forgotten
©cih18, 04.11.18


Audible sky confetti
©cih18, 03.11.18

Shopping mall (ii)

Loud music surrounding
Discordantly drowning
A children's small choir
(Their voices shout higher)
Proud parents smiling proudly
...Passers by talking loudly
©cih18, 02.11.18

Shopping mall (i)

Shopping mall
Late night
Security seize the fight
Shove outside
Then back away
Not paid enough to join the fray
©cih18, 01.11.18

That time of the month

Curled up in a grumpy crampy ball of bawl
©cih18, 22:12

Slim chance

I rejoined my slimming club tonight
Another bid
To rid
Myself of fat
To shed the adipose delight
And find the me who's slim,
©cih18, 22:40, 04.06.18

Roses are red

Roses are red
A sweet rhyme - but you spurned it
I gave you my love
- but you never returned it

Roses are red

Roses are red
Yes, the cliches are true
You can win her with chocolate
But she might not love you

Roses are red

Roses are red
And I can't buy you twelve
But would you be interested
In my love, and myself?

Roses are red

Roses are red
Wormwood is grey
I feel so alone
When you go away

Roses are red
Wormwood is bitter
When love is so hard
Perhaps I should reconsider

Roses are red

Roses are red
And they wrap a dozen in plastic
You watch them shrivel and die
So tell me how that's romantic?

Roses are red

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You chose me as your Valentine
But I didn't choose you

February 14th - explanation

A selection of Valentines to follow, aimed at no-one in particular.

Mainly because I was given a new notebook, it was February, and it seemed like a good combination.

They are all based on the 'Roses are red' rhyme.

Her and him

She's smiling, uncertain,
offers him her heart on a platter
Still beating, still bloody,
but she just doesn't matter

She gives him a tentative beam
But he's watching his favourite football team

©cih18, 28.01.18

Loving you

What a waste of my time and emotion
When you'd no intention
of loving me
and I'd no notion
of not.
©cih18, 22:08, 26.01.18

Goodnight, sweetheart*

All your texts, your calls, your messages
Those long cold nights I slept alone

When you decided you were better off single
Were you sleeping on your own?
©cih18, 16:43, 26.01.18

*(1950s song)


You’d been thinking
(you said)
and you’d made a decision,
and while you thought I was nice..
Your voice trailed off
blankly listing bland adjectives -
(some even accurate)
I felt my skin goosebump,
turning to ice
You just didn’t feel that way about me
It was only right that I should know.
So you ended it
with what you thought was kindness
and I stood there
simply watching you go
©cih18, 13:34, 26.01.18

Perception deception

I try so hard to seem understanding
Be the person you think me to be
But inside I'm having a tantrum
and screaming
Why me?
Why me?
©cih18, 15.01.18

All cats are grey in the dark*

Anxiety, the grey dog
Slinking on sullen, silken paws
Scratching at my mind
With his vicious, malicious claws
©cih18, 13.01.18

*(16th century proverb)

Plus c'est change...

New Year
Same old me
Trying to find some willpower
To control my destiny
New Year
New membership at the gym
Struggling with motivation
To be fitter, be healthier
To be slim
©cih18, 17:51, 07.01.18


My brain is a notebook of misremembered thoughts
Half written
Half forgotten
Partial ideas
Partially ignored
©cih18, 22:33, 06.01.18