About Me

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Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.

On the underwhelming London snow, November 2017

"Look everybody, it's snowing!"
Everyone turned and looked round
And a solitary flake
Nature's mistake
Made its lonely, cold way to the ground
©cih17, 22:07, 30.11.17

You see what you expect

He was there
Every year
Without fail
Wouldn't let his "little ones" down
His grin the red daub of a crayon
His face the white mask of a clown
No-one questioned
When he smiled
So tenderly
Why his "little ones"
Endured years of therapy
©cih17, 23:25, 29.11.17

The Hollow

There was an emptiness today
Not because you weren't there
But because you were
And I no longer feel that way
©cih17, 22:25, 28.11.17

London day air*

Pigeons walk
People talk
on mobiles
Voices raised
Commuters scurry
In permanent hurry
Seemingly perpetually dazed
©cih17, 22:03, 27.11.17

*(nod to Londonderry Air)


Light and airy
Sweet and salty
Music as meaningful
as popcorn in your mouth
©cih17, 22:18, 26.11.17

New start

An attempt to write one fresh line of poetry
without venturing into the realms
of romancing, dancing, music or passion -
is proving difficult
©cih17, 22:16, 26.11.17


Small rectangle by the bed
Waiting, with the glass
Ready for that moment
When insomnia is too much
The body in the bed
shifts, changes position
An arm reaches out
Grabs for that comfort

The screen blinks on
©cih17, 25.11.17

Preparation is key

Bronzed, toned, and buffed within an inch of perfection
She'd waited months for her moment of certain success
Dieted, exercised herself trimmer and slimmer
Just to fit in that Little Black Dress
©cih17, 21:19, 24.11.17

Cycle of life

Lights blot out the darkness
and silence never comes
The noise of a town
That never shuts down

The peace of the country
A town starts to encroach
The building site harvest
is constant reproach
©cih17, 23:15, 23.11.17


My recommendation for the day
Advice you should follow without fail
Don't violently kick the end of your bed
If you don't want to break your toenail
©cih17, 22:32, 23.11.17


The time for excitement is well underway
Shops dazzling with tinsel and a well planned display
Each vying to get you to break out the plastic
Spend, spend spend!
You buy, buy, buy
Then have to get a loan until next payday
©cih17, 22:19, 22.11.17

Single man seeks purrfection

The more dates I've been on
(Over a number of years)
I've discovered this scintillating fact
An increasing number of (sane?) single men
Are the doting owners of a cat

In retrospect
I could be wrong
The cats
have been in charge
all along
©cih17, 22:03, 21.11.17

The reply

And you realise that silence is itself an answer
©cih17, 22:03, 20.11.17

Retro clubnight

Noise entrances
Drunken dances
Clutching glasses
Groping asses
©cih17, 21:32, 19.11.17

Cold morning

Icy feet make hesitant contact
with more frigid air
Refrigerator room temperature
©cih17, 19.11.17

Antisocial media

Perfectly poised pictures posted
Reconfigured rough reality
A jigsaw life
Assembled for social media
Using filters
Until you look (feel?) better
©cih17, 16:49, 18.11.17

Journey to the (celluloid) stars

Hyped to within an inch of its celluloid
You wait with anticipation.
Actors emote -
and yet, in the cinema,
Popcorn spattered,
You sit there
Not adrift in the fantasy world
But aware
of the booming soundtrack
Your vision restricted
and you turn round and glare
at the owner
of the knee
In your seat's back
©cih17, 22:58, 17.11.17

Service with a snarl

Yes the restaurant may be busy
and you've been on your feet all day
But the customer wants some food
Wants to order, eat, and pay
©cih17, 16.11.17

[Insert name of pop star here]

The piercing shriek pains me
and I flinch, look round
and see pre-teen smiles on brace-ridden teeth.
I think, not for the first time,
I'm too old for this.
I stand and watch today's popstar crush
Strutting his less than manly stuff
and try to ignore the cries of woe
When I announce to young gig goers
It's time for us to go
©cih17, 23:56, 15.11.17


I got the message
In gossip whispers
What you wouldn't say
©cih17, 10:38, 14.11.17

School dates

Kiss chase was a game for school days
(Not somewhere I want to return)
But in these days of Tinder and dating apps
Maybe there's something there
That we could learn
©cih17, 13.11.17

Mind the gap

Maybe caring for others will fill the space
Once reserved for a partner's face
©cih17, 12.11.17


The poppies dance
Over fields once bathed in blood
Drowned in mud
The poppies dance

The poppies dance
Where once was battle's violence
Birdsong, silence
The poppies dance
©cih17, 23:10, 11.11.17

Seasonal song

All the signs of November are here
Christmas lights in the Market Square
Tinsel garlands, baubles in the mall
and coffee chains selling gingerbread latte
But still, it's not yet
"the most wonderful time of the year"
©cih17, 10.11.17

(quotation by Eddie Pola and George Wyle)

Small tortures

Tap drips
Clock ticks
©cih17, 09.11.17

Mermaid music

The dreams threatened to drag her under
Hooked her on a tight nylon thread
of things that could be and should be
Ideas that swam round in her head
Indecisive, she watched them glide round her
Made no attempt to grab on to a thought
And as her alarm's siren call started wailing
Once again mundane Monday had her caught.
©cih17, 22:15, 08.11.17

Too soon

The machine bleeps and beeps, uncaring
As you lie there, sleeping still
You look tiny, ethereal, fragile
Clinging on to your life by sheer will
©cih17, 23:08, 07.11.17

Two words, one season

©cih17, 06.11.2017

Ice, ice, baby*

Wearing socks in bed
Is neither romantic
Nor aesthetically pleasing
But it's more pleasant for your partner
When your feet are notoriously freezing
©cih17, 05.11.2017

*(thanks to Vanilla Ice who probably wasn't thinking about this in his song)

Sunday evening

Your weekend retreat's retreated
The working week begins
©cih17, 05.11.2017


People pay a pittance for a paper poppy while warlords waste their wealth on weapons
©cih17, 22:05, 04.11.17


They suck at their dummies for comfort
©cih17, 03.11.17


You gave up the semblance of a kind of a social life
Hoarded life savings
Yet you only achieve
a part/part share of a shoebox
and a mortgage you can't pay off
until you reincarnate
©cih17, 23:14, 02.11.17

The Language of Flowers

Anxiety writ large on her face
As time ticked away at the bar
No sign of her dinner date
Traffic jam? Caught at work?
Simply late?
She'd waited alone for two hours
When he turned up, bearing sad garage flowers

She didn't listen to his explanations
Just asked for water for the wilting carnations

©cih17, 01.11.17

NaNoWriMo 2017

It's nearly November and that can only mean one thing.

Well actually it can mean several things, but as I'm not planning on growing facial hair for Movember, for the purposes of this poetry blog it means only one thing.


As on previous years, I shall be aiming to write a poem a day for the month.

So let us (or let me, at least) proceed...

Dating apps

No need to wait until Hallowe'en
When you can be ghosted
Any time
©cih17, 10:11, 29.09.17

Fixing problems

What did you think
When well meaning, we
Came to 'fix' a problem
We created in your country
You were influenced by us
Dissatisfied by us
And steeped in Western created misery
You need our paltry charity
©cih17, 28.09.17

Invisible Boundaries

When did I change from 'Miss' to 'Madam'?
©cih17, 12:14, 21.09.17

The Register

The list of war dead reads like a christening roll
©cih17, 20.09.17

Basset boy

You've the saddest eyes of any man I've ever met
©cih17, 09.09.17

Scents and sensibilities

The smell of Brighton is fish and chips
©cih17, 09.09.17


I've a good sense of humour he said
Stated it proudly on his profile
But their date was stilted and awkward
And none of her jokes made him smile

She asked about favourite comedians
The top five that guaranteed him a laugh
He looked at her with obvious bewilderment
Then said, 'Please don't be daft...'

'You have to take your humour seriously
Go to comedy nights at a club
Don't try and spread jokes willy nilly,
make quips or have a laugh down the pub.'


They ate their meal in silence
She stared at her empty plate
No punchline saved them
Or their awkward date
©cih17, 22:35, 01.09.17

Lie Detector

Families with a private shame
Exposing the Gordian knot
For five minutes of fame
©cih17, 17:37, 01.09.17

Pure jeanius

To the sound of Marvin Gaye
Nick Kamen stood there buff
white boxers on display
...a generation fell in love
©cih17, 09.08.17

Birthday treat

Happy Birthday to you
In the nursing home
She sits, alone
Cocooned each day by her thoughts

Happy Birthday to you
The noises surrounding
her, ever loud din
and malodorous air fight for control

Happy Birthday to you
She sits, but won't wait
Mistress of her fate
Escape plan clutched in her fist

Happy Birthday to you
When the family arrive
(It's a very long drive)
She's off in a stupor...drunk
©cih17, 09.08.17

Ipsissimis verbis

Words can hurt as violently
As fists and knives and guns
When warrior-poets wield accurately
Their vitriol-fuelled puns
And argument hewn melodies
Sung by drunken indie bands
Become anthems for angst ridden students
Marching through the tax heavy lands
©cih17, 22:48, 06.08.17

Animal Magnetism

With tales of seduction
You sought reaction
Though magnets attract
You repulsed
©cih17, 22:37, 06.08.17


And all that time you spoke of your 'wonderful' lovelife
The women, the men, that you'd loved and adored
You made yourself into the hero of your story
But every true hero has to be flawed
©cih17, 31.07.17


If the grass is always greener in someone else's field
You should take off those rose-tinted glasses
and see what's actually revealed
©cih17, 22:14, 05.07.17

Weighty Issue

If you didn't want me when I was fat
Why should I want you
now that I'm not?
©cih17, 13:18, 03.07.17

Cambridge in summer

Graduates in gowns
Clutch orange Sainsbury's bags

Tourists taking selfies
Need proof they were there

Images on Instagram
'Likes' but no-one cares
©cih17, 01.07.17


Knives are out

Ultimately pointlessly
All fight each other



Better armed foes
Attack the undefended
©cih17, 24.06.17

Barbed Wire Queen

It's good that I'm a cynic -
else, each time I'm let down
I'd get upset and miserable -
would cry, might pout, could frown
Instead of which I smile
(A false one, but convincing)
Then I get busy with the razor wire
and add another line of fencing
©cih17, 23.06.17


You wore out your welcome along with my patience
©cih17, 17:57, 22.06.17

That's all folks

I’m not here to entertain you
When your friends don’t have time
Someone who’ll reply to your texts
And laugh at your ‘witty’ lines

Not someone to wait in limbo
Until you have a spare half hour
Not a princess stuck in a castle
You’re no knight -
and I’m not locked in a tower

©cih17, 22.06.17
(in memory of LibraryBoy)


She looks out at a world
Unfurled, turning and
Burning with hatred
and releases a pink balloon
©cih17, June 2017


We didn’t win.


Our singer didn’t have the Bucks Fizz-ique
©cih17, 18.05.17

No Chemistry

Two things occur
As I sit, cross, frustrated
by you, the most recent
of men who I've dated
Who rejected me on my lack of allure
Did you kiss me so often
Just to make sure?
©cih17, 7:56, 08.03.17


On paper he looked perfect
On Whatsapp, sounded great
But that heady hopeful feeling
Didn’t survive the second date
©cih17, 21/02/17

The Date

"The staff know me here."
You say with a grin
and hold the door
So I can walk in

A waitress greets us
A rictus snarl on her face
and shows us some seats
where tables jostle for space

Ordering my food for me
can be gentlemanly and nice
but please ask what I want first
- just a word of advice

I had started to wonder
Why they hate you here
but it doesn't take long
for the cracks to appear

“No cordon bleu here!”
You patronise staff
I feel my smile fix
as you joke and you laugh

Your handling of chopsticks
Far more expert than mine
So yes, I used cutlery -
I like to eat, when I dine

I look at the food
At our waitress’s face
And hope if she spat
It was just in your place

Meal finally over
I leave our waitress some change
It wasn’t her fault
That you were acting deranged

And I realise, just then,
At her pitying smile
That she too was your date
For an interminable while
©cih17, February 2017

Land of the free

The President steals adopted birthrights
and builds fear-filled walls around a people
Tortured and terrified
by policies he's creating
©cih17, January 2017

How to end a date..

My recommendation is this
(If you truly won't see them again)
Don't go for a goodbye kiss
It might cause confusion or pain
And though it's better not to be rude
However British you may be
A handshake is never appropriate
(unless at the Ritz, having afternoon tea)

(dedicated to my 26/01/17 date who shook hands to say goodbye)

©cih17, 26/01/17