About Me

My photo
Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.

Pop goes the 80s

Saccharine sounds
You brought me
Spoke to my teenage heart
My angst accompanied
By Morrissey
The Cure
For all my good times
© cih10, 16.11.10

Orange Crush*

T(a)inted flesh
© cih10, 16.11.10

*(Bromley tops fake tan use in country)

Big Society

So proud in
Low slung jeans
So young

Your mother didn't know
Cheeky smile in
Schoolroom photo

On show
In a million papers
Badly printed

Who'd know?
That an 8 year old
So cool
Would bring a gun
To school
©cih10, 04.08.10

Elephant and Castles in the air

The tired old elephant raised its head
to study the native fauna and flora:
A £1 shop, Tesco Metro, an 'All-You-Can-Eat'
Peacocks, Superdrug, and Clarks Factory Store

It was not what the mammoth remembered
From his days in the tropical past
Last time he'd woken he'd had grass round his feet
Now he was buried in concrete, stuck fast.