About Me

My photo
Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.

Dating apps

No need to wait until Hallowe'en
When you can be ghosted
Any time
©cih17, 10:11, 29.09.17

Fixing problems

What did you think
When well meaning, we
Came to 'fix' a problem
We created in your country
You were influenced by us
Dissatisfied by us
And steeped in Western created misery
You need our paltry charity
©cih17, 28.09.17

Invisible Boundaries

When did I change from 'Miss' to 'Madam'?
©cih17, 12:14, 21.09.17

The Register

The list of war dead reads like a christening roll
©cih17, 20.09.17

Basset boy

You've the saddest eyes of any man I've ever met
©cih17, 09.09.17

Scents and sensibilities

The smell of Brighton is fish and chips
©cih17, 09.09.17


I've a good sense of humour he said
Stated it proudly on his profile
But their date was stilted and awkward
And none of her jokes made him smile

She asked about favourite comedians
The top five that guaranteed him a laugh
He looked at her with obvious bewilderment
Then said, 'Please don't be daft...'

'You have to take your humour seriously
Go to comedy nights at a club
Don't try and spread jokes willy nilly,
make quips or have a laugh down the pub.'


They ate their meal in silence
She stared at her empty plate
No punchline saved them
Or their awkward date
©cih17, 22:35, 01.09.17

Lie Detector

Families with a private shame
Exposing the Gordian knot
For five minutes of fame
©cih17, 17:37, 01.09.17