About Me

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Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.


You rejoice in your new found freedom
Full of sunlight
Wild ideas
Fresh fancies
Sweet song
But the door of the birdcage is still there, ajar
Waiting for night to come
and you to creep home
©cih16, 07:15, 26.02.16


You lie to me
Unwitting, unthinking, unkind
Syllable by syllable
I build a wall
To protect myself
From words, wounds, slashing against my heart
©cih16, 16:31, 23.02.16


Over a lifetime I've come to the conclusion
Through the years
of exclusion
Bullying by peers
That it's best to pretend
Not to show a reaction
To hide all emotion
And wipe away tears
©cih16, 07:03, 18/02/16

"I talk of dreams...begot of nothing but vain fantasy"*

Some days I dream that someone will love me
Disregard the sarcastic carapace
I hide inside
But then I catch a glimpse
of myself in a moonlit shop window
And the scared figure of my youth
Has turned crone-ish through fear and age
Occasional laughter and more frequent anxiety
Have drawn crowsfeet on my once smooth face
And I look at myself, thinking
What's not to love?
And am met by silence.
©cih16, 22:09, 11.02.16

*(Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 4)

Be Mine

I'll say that I'm eternally yours
(as I scan through the contract for a get out clause)
©cih16, 17:37, 10.02.16  

(Inspired by Dorothy Parker's Unfortunate Coincidence)


H(e)aven is a place on earth
©cih16, 08:06, 05.02.16

The Confiteor

I see the logic in confessional booths
Being not face to face
and expressing your thoughts
with suitable lack of eye contact

Due to my lack of Catholicism
I find car journeys provide a similar service
©cih16, 22:26, 02.02.16

Mutually Incompatible

A war of church and commerce
Will soon be underway
As Lent abstinence begins
Before chocolate-fuelled Valentine's Day
©cih16, 21:46, 02.02.16


So sell them a lifestyle
Cast your glitter
Amaze them
Make them believe everything you show them is real
Astonish them
Make them covet
Dumbfound them
(Hide your demons and don’t show how you feel)
©cih16, 11:06, 02.02.16