About Me

My photo
Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.

Not what it says on the tin...

The problem with comfort eating
Is that it doesn't do what it implies
And your problems only get bigger
Along with the size of your thighs

©cih14, 15:42, 12.11.14

I Will Not

I will not cry over you
We had nothing
I had hopes
I will not cry over you
We had nothing
I had dreams
I will not cry over you
We had nothing
I sit and cry over you

©cih14, 28/10/2014


You only let me show you what you want to see

 ©cih, 27/10/14

Spring back, fall forward

We have no power
We are finite
But for two hours a year
We can stop time

©cih, 24/10/14

Parting is so hard...

...when you try to throw away post-it notes

©cih14, 15:42, 08.10.14

Thoughts on chocolate...

"Hotel Chocolat - the seriously delicious British chocolate shop." (Company slogan)

If it's British, why isn't it called Chocolate Hotel?

©cih14, 01/06/2014