An ideal man rarely comes my way
For ‘rarely’ please read ‘never’
So I’m looking for a bloke of the tall dark kind
One that’s reasonably clever.
It’s not that I want to have meaningful talks
About politics and the history of art
I’d like a bloke who is able to chat
And maybe have a heart to heart.
I don’t want an overemotional guy
One who spends all his life in tears
Or one with phobias about everything
Who needs me to calm his fears.
Does this list really matter
In the quest for a guy?
Or is all that’s really important
A smile, sense of humour and nice eyes?
About Me

- clinestar
- Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.
On Failing (Again) to Get a New Job
The last one in the race for promotion
Well I always hated sports day
Well I always hated sports day
I’m not weighted down with great despair
About my job I just don’t care
My work is such it won’t impinge
When others round me start to whinge
I just sit and stare blankly at the screen
And escape into some wild daydream
About my job I just don’t care
My work is such it won’t impinge
When others round me start to whinge
I just sit and stare blankly at the screen
And escape into some wild daydream
As summer blazed away unnoticed
In the silent garden’s gaze
I lay and listened, almost sleeping
Lulled by the iridescent haze
The subtle murmur of the grasses
Grew louder on the gentle air
I thought of you and how you left me
And realised I didn’t care
Although the summer day was perfect
And birds flew up toward the sun
You would only have tried to spoil it
Like you spoil things for everyone
In the silent garden’s gaze
I lay and listened, almost sleeping
Lulled by the iridescent haze
The subtle murmur of the grasses
Grew louder on the gentle air
I thought of you and how you left me
And realised I didn’t care
Although the summer day was perfect
And birds flew up toward the sun
You would only have tried to spoil it
Like you spoil things for everyone
Alternative Valentine
Daisies are white
Hyacinths blue
You fancy yourself
But I don’t fancy you
Hyacinths blue
You fancy yourself
But I don’t fancy you
A Modern Romantic
Roses are red
And oranges aren’t
Can oranges be romantic?
No-one says they can’t
And oranges aren’t
Can oranges be romantic?
No-one says they can’t
Plea(se) Release Me
Discover me! I’m talented
And hell, I’m modest too
Don’t leave me here to fester
With the rest of this motley crew
My forte's not statistics
And numbers aren’t my scene
Working in an office
Never was my dream
I want to be a writer
Earn my living with my pen
Be rich, have a town house in London
Be surrounded by adoring young men!
But I’m still here in the Library
And the future is growing black
Like I am a book no-one borrowed
Destined to stay on the rack
And hell, I’m modest too
Don’t leave me here to fester
With the rest of this motley crew
My forte's not statistics
And numbers aren’t my scene
Working in an office
Never was my dream
I want to be a writer
Earn my living with my pen
Be rich, have a town house in London
Be surrounded by adoring young men!
But I’m still here in the Library
And the future is growing black
Like I am a book no-one borrowed
Destined to stay on the rack
Flip Side
You’re rebounding about all over the place
Getting it out of your system
As if you’d not been in a relationship
As if you’d been in prison
Getting it out of your system
As if you’d not been in a relationship
As if you’d been in prison
And that was how I knew for sure
That you weren’t for me
When I heard you’d slept with her
And I felt no jealousy
That you weren’t for me
When I heard you’d slept with her
And I felt no jealousy
Pedestal Pusher
There’s none so foolish
As those who won’t treat
With respect
The people they consider to be
Beneath their feet
As those who won’t treat
With respect
The people they consider to be
Beneath their feet
Death Nell
Was the ship sinking before I got on?
Was I the camel’s last straw?
A millennium bug that’s waiting to byte
Am I that fatal flaw?
Was I the camel’s last straw?
A millennium bug that’s waiting to byte
Am I that fatal flaw?
I’m not good at acting helpless
I’m not the ditzy kind
I’m not the kind of woman
A man would like to find
Its difficult being fluffy
My temper’s way too strong
It's hard not to tell a man
If he’s doing something wrong
So I’ll get me to a nunnery
And hide in cloak and veil
Resign myself to chastity
Still hoping for one perfect male
I’m not the ditzy kind
I’m not the kind of woman
A man would like to find
Its difficult being fluffy
My temper’s way too strong
It's hard not to tell a man
If he’s doing something wrong
So I’ll get me to a nunnery
And hide in cloak and veil
Resign myself to chastity
Still hoping for one perfect male
Alco(halo)ics Anonymous
The search for spirituality continues
In every off-licence and wine bar.
In every off-licence and wine bar.
Am I a Cat?
Absently stroking my flanks
Your hand moves up and down
I watch the screen intently -
You turn up the sound.
Your hand moves up and down
I watch the screen intently -
You turn up the sound.
Distant recollections
In fading photo collections
Dusty behind glass and frame
Memory gradually fading
Photos still remaining
Edges muted
Thoughts diluted
People still the same.
In fading photo collections
Dusty behind glass and frame
Memory gradually fading
Photos still remaining
Edges muted
Thoughts diluted
People still the same.
Everything Midas touched turned to gold
His palace was a sight to behold
Everything I touch turns to lead
Would I rather be Midas instead?
On Forming Emotional Detachments
At the moment, I miss talking to you
But I’m (of course) not emotionally attached
After all, what would be the point
When your lifestyle is so calm and detached
Of course I don’t need a boyfriend
I’m not quite that desperate or sad
But if you’ll pop down soon and come see me
I’ve a nasty feeling that I’d be quite glad
But I’m (of course) not emotionally attached
After all, what would be the point
When your lifestyle is so calm and detached
Of course I don’t need a boyfriend
I’m not quite that desperate or sad
But if you’ll pop down soon and come see me
I’ve a nasty feeling that I’d be quite glad
It’s morning, just, and I sit here
Thinking of you – although you’ve just left
I smell your aftershave and I still think it’s naff
It’s quiet here when you’ve gone
And I have all the bed to myself
Thinking of you – although you’ve just left
I smell your aftershave and I still think it’s naff
It’s quiet here when you’ve gone
And I have all the bed to myself
Is it all star signed predicted?
Are my moods astrologically based?
Is that the reason I change between lover and loather
Or am I just merely two-faced?
Are my moods astrologically based?
Is that the reason I change between lover and loather
Or am I just merely two-faced?
Bank Holidays Were Made For Bond
The escapades, the dangers fought
The women loved, the baddies caught…
What more can you ask from a fairytale?
A beautiful woman and a heroic male
The women loved, the baddies caught…
What more can you ask from a fairytale?
A beautiful woman and a heroic male
Brain plays treason
No rhyme or reason
Letter, word and sound
Mind searches for patterns
Looking for answers
But the right words can’t be found
No rhyme or reason
Letter, word and sound
Mind searches for patterns
Looking for answers
But the right words can’t be found
A Jug of Wine And…
A gulp of Dutch courage
Psych yourself up
This isn’t the way to fall in love
A bottle of wine
A tear and a sigh
This isn’t the way to say goodbye.
Psych yourself up
This isn’t the way to fall in love
A bottle of wine
A tear and a sigh
This isn’t the way to say goodbye.
A Historic Anniversary
The bra was invented today
Before then the corset
Moulded and forced it
And boobs were not free to sway
Before then the corset
Moulded and forced it
And boobs were not free to sway
Aggravating gulps of air
Lodged twixt innards and throat
They only pop up in the quietest moments
Then wait in your middle to gloat
Lodged twixt innards and throat
They only pop up in the quietest moments
Then wait in your middle to gloat
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